Single-Girl Child Scholarships – In order to help single girl children with their education, the UGC launched the Single Girl Child Scholarship 2024 scholarship program. Girls who are the sole children of their parents—which implies they have no brothers or sisters—are qualified to apply for a single girl child scholarship.

Single-Girl Child Scholarships

The capacity of education to uplift both individuals and societies has long been praised. Numerous scholarship schemes have been developed to aid marginalized and underrepresented groups in order to highlight the significance of ensuring equal educational opportunities.

The Single Girl Child Scholarship is a particularly noteworthy example of such a program. With the dual goals of promoting academic performance and gender equality, this special scholarship program seeks to empower girls who are the only children in their households.

We will explore the importance of single-girl child scholarships, their advantages, their prerequisites, the application procedure, and their broader social implications as you read.

What to Know About Single Girl Child Scholarships

Scholarships are based on the idea that worthy students shouldn’t be prevented from pursuing higher education due to financial constraints.

Scholarships for single-girl children are an extension of this idea that targets girls who are the only children in their households.

This focused strategy tries to combat the cultural bias that can occasionally harm girls’ educational opportunities in patriarchal societies.


What Are Schemes For Single Girl Child Scholarship 2024?

Even though India is a democratic growing nation, it still lags far behind many other nations when it comes to education, particularly for girls.

Numerous female students leave schools, colleges, and universities each year. A single girl child scholarship in 2024 is one of the measures the Indian government has made to improve the problem.

It is given specifically to girls who are the only children of their parents. The UGC scholarship program introduces a scholarship for school pupils with a single girl child.

Benefits of Single Girl Child Scholarships

Promotion of gender equality: Scholarships for single girls are essential in dismantling persistent gender prejudices.

These scholarships help alter cultural views about the value and potential of females by encouraging families to invest in their daughters’ education.

  1. Access to Education: Families often choose the education of male children over that of female children due to financial restrictions. Scholarships for single girls help to reduce this imbalance by offering financial assistance, allowing girls to enroll in higher school and subsequently follow the occupations of their choosing.
  2. Academic Excellence: Scholarships encourage excellence in the classroom. Scholarship recipients are encouraged to do well in their studies because they know their efforts will be recognized, adding to the pool of educated and competent people.
  3. Women’s Empowerment: Well-educated women are more likely to make wise life decisions, work in the workforce, and advance their local communities. Scholarships for single girls help build a generation of strong women who can lead to positive change.

Scholarship Societal Impact

Scholarships for unmarried girls have an impact that goes beyond their individual recipients. Scholarship awardees set an example for future generations as they complete their education and join a variety of professions.

This, therefore, calls into question preconceived notions and causes a larger cultural shift in favor of respecting and encouraging females’ education.

How To Apply For Single Girl Child Scholarship 2024 Application Form

The methods listed below can be used by a student to apply for the scholarship after verifying the above qualifying requirements.

  • Once a year, the National Scholarship Portal will post an invitation to apply in the top newspaper, Employment News, and on the UGC website.
  • The UGC website will also include brief announcements.
  • All applicants who meet the requirements for the scholarship program may submit their online applications at the official website listed below.
  • When applying for this scholarship, the candidate must upload a number of documents, including an affidavit on 50-rupee stamp paper attested by a First Class Magistrate, Gazetted Officer, or SDM.
  • A signed copy of the joining report has been provided by the relevant college or university. Students should print off a copy of their application and keep it on file so they may verify their scores, see their award letter, and keep track of their progress.
  • After registration is complete, the applicant can check the status of their application online at the UGC website.
  • The Government of India Aadhaar Card is required for the identification of the student, in accordance with the instructions and rules supplied by the Ministry of Human Resource Development.
  • When a student applies to a certain university, that institution must confirm the online application.
  • Any application that is found to be incomplete will be promptly rejected.
  • Only online validated applications will be taken into consideration for the scholarship grant.

Scholarships Eligibility Criteria

While particular eligibility requirements may differ amongst scholarship sponsors, the following are typical standards for single-girl child scholarships:

  1. To ensure that the program targets those who could experience family-related biases against education, the candidate must be the only child in the home.
  2. To guarantee that the scholarship goes to individuals who genuinely need financial aid, the family’s income should normally be below a specified level.
  3. Academic achievement is frequently a requirement, inspiring deserving students to pursue perfection.



Scholarships for single girls serve as a ray of hope, igniting progress by putting money into the education of young women who might otherwise encounter social impediments.

In addition to empowering the beneficiaries individually, these scholarships support more significant societal changes. These awards pave the path for a more promising and inclusive future by promoting gender equality, academic performance, and women’s empowerment.