Bikash Bhavan Scholarship – The Bikash Bhavan Scholarship shows students the way to academic success. This scholarship program supports the aspirations of worthy students by going beyond financial constraints. 

Bikash Bhavan Scholarship

Through affordable education, the Bikash Bhavan Scholarship opens the road for a better future with a commitment to uplift and inspire. To enhance your search for information about the Bikash Bhavan Scholarship, this page has been created. 

If not, coming across this page would at least make you feel satisfied that you wasted none of your valuable time coming here. 

From this page, you may learn more about the Bikash Bhavan Scholarship Application Form, Requirements, Renewal, Amount, etc.

Learning about the Bikash Bhavan Scholarship

The West Bengal state government launched the Bikash Bhavan scholarship, commonly known as the Swami Vivekananda Merit-cum-Means Scholarship (SVMCM). 

The Bikash Bhavan scholarship provides financial aid to deserving students from economically disadvantaged groups. 

The state government offers this scholarship only to West Bengal residents who are enrolled in classes from grade XI through the postdoctoral level. Additionally, K-level Kanyashree award winners are qualified for the Bikash Bhavan scholarship program. 

The official portal is where interested students can submit their applications. The Bikash Bhavan scholarship’s closing date still has to be revised. However, the anticipated date for 2024 will shortly be announced.


Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility requirements are carefully crafted to guarantee that the scholarship is awarded to those who are in genuine need of it and to encourage academic excellence. Typically, the requirements include:

  1. Residency: Candidates must be citizens of the state in question.
  2. Academic Performance: Candidates should have a solid academic history, with many employers needing a certain score on their most recent qualifying exam.
  3. Financial Need: Students from less affluent households are given preference.
  4. Study Plan: The grant is typically offered for undergraduate and graduate studies at all educational levels.

Scholarship Application Process

To encourage as much involvement as possible, the Bikash Bhavan Scholarship application procedure has been made user-friendly. Students that are interested can take these typical actions:

  1. Online Registration: Candidates must register on the state government’s official scholarship website.
  2. Form Submission: Applicants must fill out the application form after registering with appropriate information regarding their personal, academic, and financial background.
  3. Document Upload: Please follow the instructions when uploading supporting papers, such as academic transcripts, income verification documents, and proofs of residency.
  4. Review and Submission: Applicants are urged to double-check the supplied data before submitting their applications because inaccurate or incomplete submissions may result in disqualification.
  5. Application ID: Following a successful submission, an application ID is generated that can be used to monitor the progress of the application.

Benefits of the Bikash Bhavan Scholarship

The Scholarship offers a variety of advantages that go beyond financial aid:

  1. Financial Assistance: Students with scholarships receive financial assistance that can be used to pay for living expenses, educational costs, and tuition.
  2. Empowerment: By removing financial obstacles, the scholarship gives students the freedom to concentrate on their academics and personal development.
  3. Recognition: By honoring and rewarding academic performance, the award encourages students to provide their best effort.
  4. Network Development: A community of Bikash Bhavan scholars frequently emerges, offering possibilities for networking and a venue for cooperative learning.
  5. Career Possibilities: By showcasing a student’s dedication to learning and tenacity, the scholarship can improve employability possibilities.

Documents Required for Bikash Bhavan Scholarship

Bikash Bhavan Scholarship Selection Criteria

A merit-plus-means grant, the scholarship awards money to outstanding students based on their academic ability and financial need. The following is a list of the other selection criteria.

  • First, all of the applications that have been submitted under the various categories are arranged according to the applicant’s grade and the required income.
  • The scholarship money is then disbursed to each candidate’s designated bank account in accordance with the merit list that is produced once all necessary paperwork has been provided by the candidate.
  • The scholarship money should be returned to the candidate right away if it is believed that they provided false information or used fake documentation.
  • Such applicants are prohibited from applying for any future government scholarships.
  • Such candidates would be subject to any legal proceedings imposed by the scholarship providers under applicable legislation.


Contact Details

Address: Higher Education, Science & Technology and Biotechnology Department, Bikash Bhavan, 6th Floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700091.

Helpline Number: 1800-102-8014

Email ID: