Moshal Scholarship

Moshal Scholarship Program is a scholarship initiative founded by Martin Moshal in 2009. The program aims to provide financial assistance and support to talented students in South Africa and Israel, enabling them to pursue higher education and reach their full potential.

Moshal Scholarship

About The Moshal Scholarship

The Moshal Scholarship Program focuses on academically talented students from underprivileged backgrounds who have high leadership potential and a desire to have a positive influence on their communities. It aims to give these students more power by providing all-inclusive scholarships that pay for housing, textbooks, tuition, and a living allowance.

The Moshal Scholarship Program offers students leadership, direction, and several enrichment activities in addition to financial assistance. Mentors are allocated to scholars, who get guidance and support from them as they travel through their academic and personal journeys. Additionally, the program provides networking opportunities, training for professional and leadership development, and community involvement activities.

Eligibility Criteria For the Moshal Scholarship

Before applying, candidates must meet the following minimum admission requirements. Please be aware that if you don’t meet all the standards, your application won’t be accepted:

  • You must be pursuing a degree in one of the aforementioned fields.
  • You must be enrolled at one of the following colleges: the Universities of Witwatersrand (WITS), Pretoria (UP), Cape Town (UCT), Stellenbosch (SU), KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), University of the Free State (UFS), Rhodes University (RU), Nelson Mandela University (NMU), and University of Johannesburg (UJ);
  • For the subjects of English, Mathematics, Physical Science, and Accounting, you must have received a minimum score of 70%.
  • An annual family income of NOT more than R120 000 (before deductions) is required.
  • You need to be really driven and dedicated to your studies.

The Application Process for the Moshal Scholarship

It is preferable to visit the official Moshal Scholarship website or get in touch with their office directly if you want to make sure you get the most current and accurate information. You will receive information from them on the precise and up-to-date application process, requirements, and deadlines.


Documents Required

The following documents must be submitted in order for your application to be considered for the scholarship.

  • Authenticated photo ID document
  • Authenticated copies of all academic records and transcripts
  • Registration documentation on the letterhead of one of the chosen universities

Benefits and Support of the Moshal Scholarship 

The Moshal Scholarship offers its participants a range of advantages and assistance. Here are some typical advantages and assistance services provided by the Moshal Scholarship program, while specifics may differ:

  • Financial Support: The Moshal Scholarship offers funding to help with the cost of tuition, housing, books, and other educational expenditures. The award intends to lessen students’ financial burden and free them up to concentrate on their education.
  • Academic Support: To aid Moshal Scholars in their academic success, they frequently get academic support services, such as mentorship and tutoring. These services may be offered by knowledgeable mentors, tutors, or academic advisors who provide direction, help with the development of study skills and aid with academic preparation.
  • Leadership Development: The Moshal Scholarship places a strong emphasis on developing leaders. In order to develop their leadership skills and get ready for future positions and responsibilities, scholars may have access to workshops, training programs, and networking opportunities.


Community Engagement and Leadership Development of the Moshal Scholarship 

The Moshal Scholarship program actively encourages its scholars to take on leadership roles in the community. The Moshal Scholarship’s major components of leadership development and community participation are as follows:

  • Projects with a social impact: Moshal Scholars are encouraged to start and take part in initiatives with a social impact that meet the needs of the community. These initiatives could include neighborhood outreach programs or instructional workshops, as well as volunteer work with nearby nonprofits. To organize, carry out, and assess these initiatives, scholars are assisted and given resources.
  • Service Learning: As a component of the scholars’ academic studies, the Moshal Scholarship program may include service-learning activities. Additionally, Through the integration of academic study with community involvement, service learning enables students to apply their learning to real-world problems and have a positive social influence.
  • Possibilities for Community Service: The program may give students access to a range of possibilities for community service. Volunteering at nearby hospitals, schools, non-profits, or community centers is one of these opportunities. Students can contribute to society, grow more empathetic, and comprehend community needs better by participating in community service.
  • Workshops & Leadership Training: Moshal In order to improve their leadership skills and abilities, scholars may have access to workshops and training programs. These courses may address subjects including problem-solving, team building, effective communication, project management, and decision-making. The goal is to equip students with the skills they need to lead effectively and affect change in their communities.


In conclusion, the Moshal Scholarship is a prestigious initiative that provides academically gifted South African students with financial aid, academic support, opportunities for leadership development, and community engagement. 

The scholarship strives to empower students to achieve academic excellence, develop their leadership potential, and have a good influence on their communities by offering financial assistance and a variety of supportive services. 

It is essential to consult the official Moshal Scholarship website or get in touch with their office directly for the most correct and recent information because the specifics of the scholarship, such as the application procedure, benefits, and support services, may change over time.