Are you curious about the Coolidge scholarship? Scholarships are an excellent way for students to achieve their academic goals without worrying about the burden of financial constraints.

The Coolidge Scholarship

The Coolidge Scholarship is one of the scholarships that has been gaining attention in recent years.

This scholarship aims to honor the legacy of former President Calvin Coolidge by supporting high-achieving high school students who demonstrate academic excellence, leadership, and a commitment to public service.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at this scholarship and what makes it unique among other scholarship programs.

What is the Coolidge Scholarship?

The Coolidge Scholarship is a four-year full-ride scholarship that covers the full cost of tuition, room, board, and expenses for undergraduate study at any accredited U.S. college or university.

The scholarship was established in 2014 by the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation to honor the legacy of President Coolidge, who served as the 30th President of the United States from 1923 to 1929.

The scholarship program aims to support the next generation of leaders who embody President Coolidge’s values of academic excellence, leadership, and public service.

Who is Eligible for the Coolidge Scholarship?

To be eligible for the Coolidge Scholarship, students must meet the following criteria:

1. Be a high school junior who is a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident.

2. Demonstrate academic excellence, with a minimum unweighted GPA of 3.5.

3. Show intellectual curiosity, creativity, and an interest in public policy.

4. Display leadership qualities and a commitment to public service.

5. Plan to enroll in an accredited four-year U.S. college or university.


How are Coolidge Scholars Selected?

The selection process for Coolidge Scholars is highly competitive and rigorous.

To apply for the scholarship, students must first complete an online application that includes several essays, academic transcripts, and standardized test scores.

The selection committee then evaluates each application based on the following criteria:

  • Academic excellence and intellectual curiosity.
  • Leadership potential and skills.
  • Commitment to public service and community involvement.
  • Writing ability and critical thinking skills.

After the initial application review, a select group of semifinalists are invited to participate in an in-person interview with the selection committee.

Based on the application and interview performance, the Coolidge Scholarship Committee selects up to 12 Coolidge Scholars each year.

What Makes the Coolidge Scholarship Unique?

The Coolidge Scholarship is unique among other scholarship programs for several reasons.

1. First, it is highly selective, with only 12 students selected each year from a competitive pool of applicants.

2. It covers the full cost of tuition, room, board, and expenses for four years of undergraduate study at any accredited U.S. college or university.

This means that Coolidge Scholars have the freedom to choose any college or university that best suits their academic and career goals.

3. Finally, the scholarship program offers a wide range of leadership development opportunities, mentorship programs, and summer institutes that help scholars develop their leadership and public policy skills.

The Coolidge Scholarship is a valuable opportunity for high-achieving high school juniors who demonstrate academic excellence, leadership, and a commitment to public service.

The scholarship provides full financial support for four years of undergraduate study at any accredited U.S. college or university and offers a range of leadership development opportunities and mentorship programs.

If you are a high school junior who meets the eligibility criteria and has a passion for academic excellence, leadership, and public service, the Coolidge Scholarship could be the perfect opportunity for you to pursue your dreams and make a positive impact on the world.