The intent to study Nursing in tertiary institutions should be backed up by financial buoyancy. For those who might be incapacitated, there are many nursing scholarships available.
The aim of these programs is to offer education to intending nurses who barely have the money to sponsor their studies in college.
Here are the available nursing scholarships for students around the world. However, the scholarships here are categorized based on region.
Nursing Scholarships to Study in the US and Canada
Here are some popular nursing scholarships for students studying in the US and Canada:
1. The National League for Nursing Scholarships: offers multiple scholarships for students pursuing a nursing degree in the US.
2. The Canadian Nurses Foundation: provides scholarships and bursaries to Canadian nursing students.
3. The Johnson & Johnson Discover Nursing Scholarship: provides financial assistance to students pursuing a nursing degree in the US and Canada.
4. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: offers scholarships to US and Canadian nursing students committed to addressing health equity.
5. The Canadian Nurses Association: provides bursaries and scholarships to Canadian nursing students.
6. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing Scholarships: offers scholarships to students pursuing a nursing degree in the US and Canada.
Nursing Scholarships to Study in the United Kingdom
Here are some popular nursing scholarships for students studying in the United Kingdom:
1. The Florence Nightingale Foundation Scholarships: provides funding for nursing students in the UK to enhance their professional development.
2. The NHS Bursaries: provides financial support to nursing students in England to help with tuition fees and living costs.
3. The RCN Foundation Scholarships: provides scholarships for nursing students in the UK to support their education and research.
4. The Nursing and Midwifery Council Bursaries: provides funding to nursing students in the UK to help with tuition fees and other expenses.
5. The Health Education England Bursaries: provides financial support to nursing students in England to help with tuition fees and living costs.
Nursing Scholarships to Study in Asia
Here are some popular nursing scholarships for students studying in Asia:
1. The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Nursing Scholarships: provides funding for nursing students in Asia to study in Japan.
2. The Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) Scholarships: provides scholarships for nursing students in Asia to study in South Korea.
3. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) Scholarships: offers scholarships to students from ADB’s developing member countries, including those in Asia, to study in the field of nursing and other health-related fields.
4. The Philippine International Aid (PIA) Nursing Scholarships: provide funding for nursing students in the Philippines to study in the country and abroad.
5. The Ministry of Health (MOH) Scholarships: some Asian countries, such as Singapore, offer scholarships for students interested in pursuing a career in nursing through their Ministry of Health.
Nursing Scholarships to Study in Australia or New Zealand
1. The Health Workforce Scholarship and Support Scheme provides financial support to nursing students in Australia to help with tuition fees and living costs.
2. The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Scholarships: provide scholarships for nursing students in Australia to support their education and professional development.
3. The HESTA Nursing and Midwifery Scholarship: provides funding for nursing students in Australia to support their education and professional development.
4. The New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) Scholarships: provides scholarships for nursing students in New Zealand to support their education and professional development.
5. The Health Education and Training Institute (HETI) Scholarships: provides scholarships for nursing students in New South Wales, Australia to support their education and professional development.
Nursing scholarships are financial aid programs available globally aimed at increasing the number of qualified nurses.
They support students pursuing a nursing degree and are typically sponsored by government agencies, health departments, nursing organizations, foundations, and private entities. Eligibility criteria vary but usually require academic excellence, financial need, and a commitment to nursing.