Macalester College Acceptance Rate – Do you know what Macalester College is really into? They’re all about students who love diving into a challenging academic scene. They’re on the lookout for the kind of folks who not only handle the academic hustle but also respect and appreciate diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

Macalester College Acceptance Rate

And here’s the deal: they dig students who are ready to take charge of their gig. It’s not just about the grades; they want people who are cool with owning up to their choices in personal, social, and intellectual realms.

It’s like bringing your A-game academically, being cool with diversity, and taking charge of your journey—that’s the Macalester vibe.

Macalester College Acceptance Rate

Alright, let’s talk about the Macalester College admissions scene. So, they’ve got this acceptance rate of 28%, and if you’re into early birds, the early acceptance rate is a bit higher at 40.9%.

Now, for the testing crew, half of the applicants who spilled the beans on their scores had SATs ranging from 1370 to 1520 or ACTs between 31 and 34. Just a heads up: a quarter of the accepted gang scored above these ranges, and another quarter fell below. So, it’s like a mixtape of scores.

If you’re eyeing Macalester, mark January 15th in your calendar—that’s the application deadline.

Here’s the lowdown: GPA is a big deal in Macalester’s eyes. They’re all about that academic hustle. High school class rank, when they’ve got it, also gets a nod.

And let’s not forget those letters of recommendation—they’re like the VIP pass in the application game at Macalester College.

They carry some serious weight in the decision-making process. So, it’s not just about the numbers; they’re looking at the whole academic story.


About Macalester College

Macalester College is a small private institution situated on an urban campus in Saint Paul, Minnesota. The undergraduate student body comprises 2,049 individuals, and the admission process is highly discerning.

This college provides a diverse range of 41 bachelor’s degree programs, boasts an impressive graduation rate of 93%, and maintains a close-knit student-faculty ratio of 10:1. For students interested in attending, the tuition and fees amount to $58,248.

Applicant Selectivity for The Macalester College

When it comes to picking who cuts undergrad admissions at Macalester, they’re kind of in the middle of the road in terms of selectivity. They’re not crazy exclusive, but they’re not throwing the doors wide open either.

Here’s the vibe: a bunch of folks who get the nod fall into the mid-range on SAT or ACT scores. Plus, they’re really into applicants with a solid high school GPA and a decent load of college prep courses under their belt. 

So, it’s not just about acing a single test; they’re checking out the overall academic game and looking for well-rounded candidates. That’s the scoop on how Macalester rolls in the selection game.


SAT and ACT Requirements

Every educational institution has its own set of standardized testing prerequisites. The majority of schools typically request either the SAT or ACT, and in some cases, SAT subject tests are required.

For an application to be considered by Macalester College, you are required to take either the SAT or ACT.

Regarding SAT scores, Macalester College provides a range of scores for admitted students. A score of 1310 falls at the 25th percentile, indicating it’s below average, while a score of 1500 places you at the 75th percentile, signifying an above-average performance.

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