Are you interested in the Prize Money Scholarship? Then you are at the right place because it isn’t enough to want it but you have to pay attention to the important details and that is what we offer. As you read through, we will provide a guide by helping with what you need to know.

Prize Money Scholarship


About Prize Money Scholarship

The Prize Money Scholarship is a monetary reward granted to students who exhibit exceptional academic performance, talent, or other qualifying criteria.

It aims to provide financial aid to deserving students pursuing their educational aspirations. Scholarships are highly coveted as they alleviate the financial burden associated with education and often offer additional advantages.

Eligibility Criteria

The prize money scholarship offered by the Karnataka government presents a valuable opportunity to students belonging to the SC/ST category and domiciled in Karnataka.

This scholarship has been established with the objective of providing support and encouragement to deserving individuals in their educational endeavors.

The eligibility criteria for the prize money scholarship have been carefully devised to ensure that the intended beneficiaries can avail of its benefits.

Now, let’s explore the specifics of the eligibility criteria for this esteemed scholarship:

1. Karnataka Domicile

Candidates must be residents of Karnataka in order to be eligible for the prize money scholarship.

This requirement guarantees that students who are Karnataka permanent residents can utilize the scholarship benefits.

2. SC/ST Category

The SC/ST students are the only ones eligible for the scholarship with prize money.

This criterion highlights the government’s dedication to empowering underrepresented people by giving them access to equal educational opportunities.

3. First Attempt Clearance

Candidates must have successfully passed the prior qualifying examination on their first attempt in order to be considered for the scholarship.

This criterion ensures that individuals who show steady academic development are rewarded and motivates pupils to provide their best effort right from the start.

4. Government Recognised Institution

Applicants must be enrolled in a government-approved institution for academic study.

A variety of courses are covered by the scholarship, including II PUC, the three-year Polytechnic Diploma, the Bachelor’s degree (general), the Master’s degree, and professional degrees in engineering, medicine, veterinary science, and agriculture.

This requirement makes sure that only students attending respectable colleges and universities are qualified to receive the award.

5. No Income Limit

The prize money scholarship does not have an income cap for students applying for the program, in contrast to many other scholarships.

In the SC/ST category, kids from all socioeconomic backgrounds are eligible to apply, regardless of their family’s income.

The prize money scholarship qualifying requirements offer a just and inclusive framework for identifying and supporting eligible students from the SC/ST group who are residents of Karnataka.

Students who achieve these requirements are eligible for financial aid and can work toward their educational objectives with support from the government.

It is significant to remember that the government may update and modify the specific requirements and application processes.

For the most precise and recent information on the requirements for the scholarship with cash prizes, students are advised to consult the official scholarship portal or the appropriate government agencies.

Awards for the Scholarship

An impressive initiative by the state of Karnataka to aid students from varied backgrounds in their academic endeavors is the prize money scholarship program.

Through the financial support offered by this scholarship program, chosen students can get over financial obstacles and concentrate on their academic development.

Let’s look at the specifics of the prize money scholarship award and how it varies depending on the courses taken.


A prize money scholarship worth INR 20,000 is available to students enrolled in the II PUC (Pre-University Course).

With this financial assistance, students at the pre-university level are encouraged to continue their studies and are recognized for their efforts and accomplishments.

2. Polytechnic Diploma

The prize money scholarship amount for students pursuing a Polytechnic Diploma is INR 20,000.

This scholarship encourages students to succeed in their chosen fields while recognizing the value of vocational and technical education.

3. Undergraduate Degree

Prize money scholarship recipients who are undergraduate students may get INR 25,000.

This financial aid is intended to lessen the burden of educational costs, such as tuition and textbooks so that students can concentrate on their studies and personal development.

4. Postgraduate Degree

The prize money scholarship, worth INR 30,000, is available to students pursuing a postgraduate degree.

With this support, students pursuing advanced degrees are acknowledged for their hard work and devotion, giving them the tools they need to succeed in their area of specialization.

5. Professional Courses

The prize money scholarship provides students studying professional courses with the most financial aid, up to INR 35,000.

Engineering, medicine, veterinary sciences, agriculture, and other specialist areas fall under this group.

The higher sum is a reflection of the demanding nature of these programs and the requirement for all-encompassing financial support.

Benefits of Prize Money Scholarship

Receiving a Prize Money Scholarship provides students with a multitude of advantages.

1. Firstly, it offers crucial financial support, effectively alleviating the burden of various educational expenses like tuition fees, textbooks, accommodation, and more.

2. This financial assistance allows students to concentrate more on their studies and achieve academic excellence.

3. Additionally, Prize Money Scholarships bring recognition and prestige. Being chosen for such a distinguished scholarship serves as a testament to a student’s hard work, commitment, and capabilities.

4. It can enhance their resume, setting them apart from their peers and potential employers.

Moreover, scholarships often come with supplementary benefits, including mentorship programs, networking opportunities, and exclusive access to events or internships.

These perks contribute to the academic and professional growth of students, opening doors to future prospects and opportunities.

How to Apply

The application process for the prize money scholarship in Karnataka is simple and can be completed online via the official scholarship portal. If you wish to seize this opportunity, follow the step-by-step instructions below to ensure a seamless application:

1. Visit the official scholarship website.

2. Click on the online application link.

3. Register for the scholarship by providing the necessary information.

4. Complete the verification process as required.

5. Enter your SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) details.

6. Access the application form and fill it out accurately.

7. Provide the required details about your college.

8. Agree to the terms and conditions.

9. Review and finalize the application.

By following these steps, you can successfully apply for the prize money scholarship in Karnataka.

Documents Required

During the application process for the prize money scholarship, it is essential for applicants to submit the required documents in the specified format.

These documents are crucial for verifying the eligibility and credibility of the candidates. To facilitate a seamless application process, applicants must gather and provide the following documents:

1. Aadhaar Card

2. Caste Certificate

3. Proof of Residence

4. Mark Sheets (including all semesters)

5. Bank Details with IFSC Code

6. Passport Size Photo

7. Certified Copy of the Online Registration Form

8. Photocopies of the Required Documents

By ensuring the submission of these documents, candidates can streamline their application process for the prize money scholarship.

How to Track the Application Status?

Monitoring the progress of your prize money scholarship application is a crucial step to stay informed and receive timely updates. To track the status of your application, follow the step-by-step instructions below:

1. Visit the official website.

2. Access the link for application status.

3. Choose the option for tracking the application number-wise.

4. Enter your application number.

5. Alternatively, select the option for tracking the application college-wise.

6. Provide the relevant details as required.

7. View the status of your application.

By following these steps, you can easily track the status of your prize money scholarship application and stay updated on its progress.

Application Deadline

Unfortunately, the official date for this scholarship hasn’t been announced yet. However, you can stay up to date with us and we will let you know when the date is announced.


By following these guidelines, you are on the right track to getting the Prize Money Scholarship.

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