Applying for college can be an exciting and challenging time for students. There are many factors to consider when choosing a college, including location, academic programs, and financial aid options.  We will discuss the Evans Scholarship application process and provide helpful tips to assist students in applying for this scholarship.

Evans Scholarship

What is the Evans Scholarship?

The Evans Scholarship is a full tuition and housing scholarship awarded to deserving caddies who have a strong caddie record, excellent academics, and show financial need.

The scholarship is renewable for up to four years of undergraduate study and covers tuition and housing costs at one of 18 universities across the United States.

The scholarship was founded by the Western Golf Association in 1930 and has since awarded over 11,000 scholarships to caddies across the country. The Evans Scholarship is considered one of the most prestigious scholarships available to caddies and is highly competitive.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the Evans Scholarship, students must meet the following requirements:

  • Must have caddied for at least two years and are recommended by their club.
  • Must have a strong caddie record and be able to verify their caddie service.
  • Must have excellent academics, with a minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0 or equivalent.
  • Must demonstrate financial need.

Application Process

The Evans Scholarship application process is a multi-step process that includes several components, including the following:

1. Submit a Pre-Application Form

Students must submit a pre-application form online to determine their eligibility for the scholarship.

The pre-application form includes basic information about the student, their caddie experience, and their academic achievements.

2. Complete the Full Application

If students are deemed eligible after submitting the pre-application form, they will be invited to complete the full application.

The full application includes detailed information about the student’s caddie experience, academic achievements, and financial needs. Students must also submit transcripts, letters of recommendation, and an essay.

3. Participate in an Interview

After submitting the full application, students who meet the academic and caddie requirements will be invited to participate in an interview with a selection committee.

The interview allows the committee to learn more about the student’s personality, character, and future goals.

4. Await the Decision

After the interview, the selection committee will review all application materials and decide whether to award the scholarship to the student. Students will be notified of the decision by mail.


Tips for Applying at the Evan Scholarship

Applying for the Evans Scholarship can be a challenging and competitive process. Here are some helpful tips to assist students in preparing their applications:

1. Start Early

The application process for the Evans Scholarship can be lengthy, so it is essential to start early and give yourself plenty of time to complete all components of the application.

Focus on Academic Achievements: Academic achievement is a critical component of the Evans Scholarship application. Students should focus on maintaining a strong GPA and taking challenging coursework in high school.

2. Highlight Caddie Experience

Caddie’s experience is also an essential component of the Evans Scholarship application.

Students should highlight their caddie experience and provide details about the clubs they have caddied for, the number of loops they have completed, and any awards or recognition they have received.

3. Demonstrate Financial Need

Financial need is another critical component of the Evans Scholarship application. Students should provide detailed information about their financial situation and demonstrate that they need the scholarship to attend college.

4. Prepare for the Interview

The interview is a crucial component of the Evans Scholarship application process.

Students should prepare for the interview by researching the scholarship, practicing their interview skills, and thinking about how they can showcase their personality, character, and future goals.

5. Get Letters of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation from teachers, coaches, and caddie masters can provide valuable insight into a student’s character and potential.

6. Proofread and Edit

The Evans Scholarship application requires a lot of written components, including essays and transcripts.

It is essential to proofread and edit all written materials carefully to ensure that they are free from errors and effectively communicate the student’s message.


The Evans Scholarship is an excellent opportunity for caddies who have demonstrated strong academic achievement, caddie experience, and financial need.

Remember to start early, focus on academic achievement and caddie experience, demonstrate financial need, prepare for the interview, get letters of recommendation, and proofread and edit all written materials carefully. Good luck with your Evans Scholarship application.