Scholarships help students with financial challenges pay their college bills without taking up menial jobs. Some are easy scholarships, while others don’t require them.

Easy Scholarships

A variety of easy scholarships available to students typically require minimal effort to apply for. You can apply for simple scholarships quickly because they have few eligibility requirements and only require a brief essay (if they require any essay at all).

Simple scholarships are frequently offered on a monthly basis, which means you have multiple chances to apply.

Top Easy Scholarships in 2024

Here are a few examples of easy scholarships in 2024:

No Essay Scholarships

No essay scholarships are financial aid opportunities that do not require students to submit written essays or other substantial application materials.

These scholarships are typically awarded based on a random drawing or academic achievement and can be a great way for students to earn money for college without spending a lot of time on the application process.

Application Requirements and Deadline

The requirements and deadlines for No Essay scholarships can vary depending on the scholarship. Some may require students to have a certain GPA or be enrolled in a specific program or field of study, while others may simply require students to be enrolled in college.

To find no essay scholarships, students can search online scholarship databases or check with their college’s financial aid office.

Deadlines for these scholarships may also vary, with some scholarships accepting applications on a rolling basis and others having specific deadlines throughout the year.

It’s important for students to carefully review the requirements and deadlines for each scholarship they are interested in to ensure they meet all eligibility criteria and submit their applications on time.

Sweepstakes Scholarships

Sweepstakes scholarships are financial aid opportunities that award funds to students based on a random drawing.

To enter, students typically need to complete a simple online form or perform a specific action, such as following a social media account or subscribing to a newsletter. These scholarships may have lower award amounts and more applicants than other types of scholarships.

Application Requirements and Deadline

The application requirements and deadlines for sweepstakes scholarships can vary depending on the scholarship. Some scholarships may require students to complete a specific action, such as liking a social media post or following an account, while others may only require students to fill out a basic online form.

Deadlines may also vary, with some scholarships accepting entries on a rolling basis and others having specific deadlines throughout the year.

Students should carefully review the requirements and deadlines for each scholarship they are interested in.

Merit-Based Scholarships

Merit-based scholarships are financial aid opportunities that are awarded to students based on their academic, athletic, or artistic achievements, as well as other accomplishments.

These scholarships may require students to meet certain eligibility requirements, such as maintaining a certain GPA, participating in specific extracurricular activities, or submitting a portfolio or audition.

Application Requirements and Deadline

The application requirements and deadlines for merit-based scholarships can vary depending on the scholarship.

Students may need to submit transcripts, test scores,  letters of recommendation, or other materials to demonstrate their achievements.

Deadlines may also vary, with some scholarships having early application deadlines or specific deadlines throughout the year. Students should carefully review the requirements and deadlines for each scholarship they are interested in.

Community Scholarships

Community scholarships are financial aid opportunities that are offered by local organizations, such as businesses, non-profits, and community groups.

These scholarships are typically available to students who live in a certain area or attend school in a specific region.

Community scholarships may have fewer applicants than national scholarships, making them a good option for some students.

Application Requirements and Deadline

The application requirements and deadlines for community scholarships can vary depending on the scholarship. Students may need to demonstrate financial need,  academic achievement, or community involvement.

Deadlines may also vary, with some scholarships having early application deadlines or specific deadlines throughout the year.

Students should check with the organizations offering the scholarships for more information on requirements and deadlines.

It’s important to note that while these scholarships may be easier to apply for, they often have lower award amounts and more applicants. It’s always a good idea to research and apply for as many scholarships as possible to increase your chances of receiving financial aid.