If you’re interested in getting information on the Cobell Scholarship, then this page is for you. Cobel is giving scholarships to all eligible students living in the United States who fulfill the eligibility requirements as listed below. Read through for more information.

Cobell Scholarship

So Who is Eligible to Apply for the Cobell Scholarship?

So who exactly is eligible to send an application for the Cobell Scholarship? According to Indigenous Education, anyone who wants to apply for the Cobell Scholarship program should complete the following qualifying standards to be considered:

  • Be a member of a US federal Tribe.
  • Be registered in full-time study, and degree-seeking.
  • Have in mind to attend or attend any nationally, regional, and industry-recognized non-profit, public, and private, institution.
  • Finally, you must currently be pursuing a vocational certificate or diploma, associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral or professional degree, or certificate.

How to Apply For the Cobell Scholarship?

  • To effectively apply for the Cobell scholarship, there are certain steps you should follow, below are some of them
  •  Start by going to the Cobell Scholarship official website.
  •  Then you go to the OASIS Portal.
  • Make and create a profile by, making sure you fill out and upload the applicant profile. The information that is in the profile can be changed or made to a new one; however, it is important that you maintain your contact information and institution information current.
  • As an Applicant, you must finish the eligibility form once the profile has been finished. OASIS will then use the info that you have provided in the eligibility form to match candidates to scholarship chances based on the self-reported replies applicants provide in the eligibility form. You should review all the responses that you’ve imputed in the eligibility form and then get in contact with the organization that administers the scholarships to seek adjustments if no application is available.
  • Go down the website until you reach the bottom, then hit on the blue tab that reads “Scholarships & Applications.” Just under the heading Scholarships & Applications, choose “See” on the following page to see all the currently available possibilities. If they find any match, they will ask the person to finish filling out and applying for any reserved scholarship options.
  • If they have selected you for the Cobell Scholarship, you will get an email starting from May 1 each year with a chance to finish in the final round.
  • If you make it to the final round, you will need to accept the offer, after which they will instruct you to finish a post-acceptance questionnaire in tother to begin the verification process. They will send a link to the questionnaire via mail once the offer has been accepted.
  • Students or candidates for the Cobell Scholars Program will receive an official award notification the moment their finalist file’s post-acceptance component has been is completed.


Some Tips That Will Help With Getting The Scholarship

Below are some tips you should follow if you really stand the chance to win for the scholarship:

1. Pay Attention to the Details and Make Them Personal

One thing to always remember is authenticity when writing your response is one you should consider when responding to the questions on the application for the Cobell scholarship in what you write.

The person reviewing your application is interested in learning more about who you are and how you can continue the work that Elouise Cobell started.

2. Remember to Tell a Story

Don’t just answer with a short answer, be elaborate and reply with a longer answer that may involve some sort of story or something. Telling a story gives the person reviewing your application the chance to become more familiar with your voice, habits, and experiences.

Giving a narrative about the time when you showed your passion for something, instead of simply just saying that you are a passionate person, is much more convincing and more tangible than just claiming that you are enthusiastic about anything.

3. Follow The instructions

Sometimes we are tempted to express ourselves and say more but don’t fall under that temptation, you might be tempted to wander from the topic or exceed the word limit. However, it is important to respond to the question given in the short-answer section in the needed amount of words.

What they want is to learn the various ways in which you place value on those characteristics and show those values. It is important you follow the instructions therefore

4. Get an Early Start

Because this is a long application, it is important to get started early and give yourself enough time to answer each question honestly and carefully.

Also, when filling out an application online, it is advisable to leave yourself additional time to account for any potential technical difficulties.