Amda College of Performing Arts Acceptance Rate

The Amda College of Performing Arts Acceptance rate is a very important factor to consider when seeking admission into this college institution. As you read on, we will be showing you everything there is to know about Amda College admission.

Amda College of Performing Arts Acceptance Rate

About Amda College

The American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA) is a private conservatory specializing in the performing arts, situated in Los Angeles, California, and New York City.

The academy offers two-year diplomas in professional performing arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees.

Programs include acting, musical theatre, dance, and performing arts. Accreditation from the National Association of Schools of Theatre attests to the academy’s high standards.


AMDA College of Performing Arts Acceptance Rate

AMDA received more than 7,700 admission applications for the fall of 2023 and accepted nearly 2,400, resulting in an acceptance rate of approximately 30%.

Of those admitted, over 530 students actually enrolled. It’s worth noting that performers contemplating attendance at AMDA should take into account the total enrollment at each campus.

Additionally, the New York campus holds the 109th position on Niche’s list of the “Hardest Colleges to Get Into in America” among over 1,700 institutions.

Consequently, the total enrollment at this branch is 270 students, in contrast to the approximately 1,500 enrolled at the Los Angeles campus.

Tuition Fee at AMDA

For the academic year 2023–24, students at both the Los Angeles and New York campuses were charged the same amount for tuition and fees, totaling $42,660.

Given AMDA’s presence in two major cities, students should be prepared for substantial housing expenses. In Los Angeles, on-campus accommodation costs students $10,280 for the 2023–24 academic year.

Conversely, the college estimated that students at the New York location would spend a comparable amount, $10,280, on off-campus accommodation during the same academic year.

As a leading institution and conservatory in the performing arts, with locations in both New York and Los Angeles, AMDA not only provides a high-quality education but also offers a rigorous, performance-based curriculum and training tailored to the industry.


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